Happy Republic Day India, India, Constitution, Constitution Of India , 26 January, 1950, 2019

Constitution of India – Journey of 2.11 Years

26th January 1950, the day a new democracy was born. This journey was started on 9th December 1946 in New Delhi, when the very First meeting of our Constituent Assembly was held in the Central Hall of Parliament House (was then, the constitution hall), and came into force after 2 years 11 months and 18 days on 26 January 1950 after a total of 283 members of the constituent assembly signed the Constitution of India. Ever since this historic day, January 26 is celebrated as Republic Day with festivities and patriotic fervor across India.

A ‘constitution’ is a set of basic principles and laws of a nation, which are used to guide how a country functions. India’s constitution is actually the longest written constitution in the world. The constitution of India was a handwritten document, and not typed and printed, with as much as 48 articles, 12 schedules and 94 amendments. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the first law minister of free India & chairman of the drafting committee, was the chief architect of our constitution.

The date 26th January was specially selected since it was the anniversary of “Purna Swaraj Day” (26th January 1930); the day Indian Congress seeded the fight for complete Independence and hoisted the Indian national flag for the first time.

Today, India is a republic country. A republic is a form of government where the power is held by the representatives elected by the people, instead of a king or a ruler.

On this occasion of Republic Day, a grand parade is organized in New Delhi at the Rajpath, where armed forces showcase their competency. The national flag is hoisted by the President of India at the Red Fort and a lot of cultural programmes are organized to showcase Cultural and Social Heritage of all the 29 states of our country.

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Image Credits – DD National

For us 90’s kids, one of the fondest childhood memories was getting up early morning to watch the live telecast of the Republic Day parade.

Also, here’s something which will give you an in-depth look into how the leaders have participated and contributed towards the formation of our Constitution of India and what were the challenges & difficulties that were faced and tackled at that time.

Samvidhaan: The Making of the Constitution of India, this series of 10 episodes, is a great work of art with exceptional dialogue delivery. You would also find yourself trying to remember ‘where you have seen that actor’ as this series contains many famous and ‘not-that’ famous actors who have done an outstanding job in this series. A must watch for every Indian.

सभी देशवासियों को गणतंत्र दिवस की शुभकामनाएं।

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